
















Hollingworth Learning Trust Board

We are delighted to have recruited high quality and suitable qualified Trustees to the Trust Board. The core purpose of the board is to challenge and support the CEO, local governing bodies and our partner schools to work effectively in partnership to achieve our mission:

"We are here to make a positive difference to the lives of our children. We are not here to make the inevitable happen."

We will achieve this through developing a unique relationship with each partner school, and achieving this within our values framework.

Our Trust Governing Board consists of:

Name Position Experience
Andrew Moon Member & Chair of Trustees Strategic leadership, governance, Finance & Business HR
Kathryn Keenan Member Primary and Higher Education, SEN, Safeguarding and Charity Sector.
Stephen Lowe Member Leadership and Governance Experience (for Primary and Secondary education)
Public Health
Health and Safety
Sarah McDowell Member

Strategic Leadership

Board advisor on legal requirements for CEO’s, Trustees and Members.

Experience of Trustee role for a MAT.

15 years experience working with boards on growth.

Darren Randle Trustee, CEO  Education Specialist, NPQH, MA, NLE, School Finances, Strategic leadership, school accountability & governance, school vision and ethos, staffing recruitment, change context, teaching and learning
David Clarkson Trustee Facilities Management, Buildings, Health & Safety and Asset Management.
Kate Connolly Trustee Education Specialist, School Finances, Strategic Leadership, school accountability and governance, school vision and ethos, staffing recruitment, change context, teaching and learning, special provision.
Vicky Hutchins Trustee Strategic Leadership, Facilities, Risk Management, community links and HR
Karen McCarthy Trustee Companies House, Director of own company, Employment Law, Safeguarding, FE, Social Worker/Residential Work, Education Social Work, Educational International Links, Strategic Leadership.
Jacqui Mellor Trustee  Government policies, Ofsted requirements, governance, education, Finance, HR, H&S, teaching schools and safeguarding
Jane Norton Trustee Primary Education Specialist, School Improvement, Leadership, Safeguarding and School Governance.
Mark Ogden Trustee Finance (CMA, CGMA & AAT), finance planning and strategies, School Governance, recruitment.
Louise Sweeney Trustee Safeguarding, SEN, Child Development and Community Prevention

While the Trust is small, trustees may consider inviting Chairs of LGBs to attend board meetings in a non-voting capacity to enable better communication. As the Trust grows, another mechanism will need to be developed.

For governance and attendance information please go to:

Hollingworth Academy Governors Information

Newhouse Academy Governors Information